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Rekhmire was a vizier during the reign of Tuthmose III and Amenhotep II in ancient Egypt's eighteenth dynasty. He also had the title of Governor of the Rekhmire. He was amongst the highest civil officers in the area and was also responsible for administrating the area from Aswan to Assiut. He was also the Steward of the Temple of Amun at Karnak and the mayor of Thebes. The text explanation of his professional duties is among the most important administrative texts of the New Kingdom. Everything about Rekhmire except brief details on ostracon and papyrus is known from his tomb, TT 100, which lies in the Sheikh Abd el Qurna area in Egypt.

Tomb TT 100








The tomb of Rekhmire, TT100, is a T-shaped structure in the traditional design. Its unusual features include a lengthy passage ending with a steeply sloping ceiling. However, the burial shaft is missing, indicating that Rekhmire was not buried in this tomb. Another tomb linked to his name has also not been found. The hall and the passage are magnificently decorated with daily life scenes and exceptionally well-preserved. The details of the scenes make this tomb one of the most exciting places in the cemetery.
The tomb plan is like most other private tombs. It's a simple plan with a courtyard followed by a 20-meter-long vestibule. After this is a 25-meter-long chapel. The chapel seems to be the most attractive part of the tomb, with an interesting ceiling design. The ceiling design offers enough space for a fine decorative design. 

Decorations Inside The Tomb

Decorations begin in the vestibule in an archaic style similar to the tombs of the Middle Kingdom, leading to a chapel depicting exceptional works of art. Themes like the Opening of the Mouth ritual and the Beautiful Feast of the Valley festival can be seen. Also, unique scenes depicting daily life were found. Most paintings were well preserved, with most colors resisting the test of time. The vestibule wall has five wall scenes showing scenes from Upper Egypt. Most walls inside the tomb depict various phases from Rekhmire's life and aspects of his relatives' lives. Scenes of fishing, winemaking, and hunting can also be seen.
The chapel's high ceiling makes it difficult for visitors to see the decorations on the upper part of the chamber. The walls have six tableaus, with Rekhmire supervising the gathering and food preparation for the temple. Also, scenes with eight registers showing labor work at Amun's temple can be seen.

The Final Word

TT100 is among the finest private tombs on the West Bank at Luxor. The artwork throughout the tomb highlights the extraordinary talent of the artisans and artists who contributed to its construction and decoration.

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